Sunday, July 6, 2008

Help For Contestants Of American Idol Auditions

With the latest auditions for the American Idol TV show being held in Seattle next month, many of my fellow performers and friends around here are wondering about whether or not they have a snowballs chance in hell to win. It is totally surprising to me on how many people have ongoing secret dreams of making it to the big-time. Listen, although American Idol auditions might seem like a very big long shot to most people, there is still nothing to lose, why not take a shot. My good friend Alexa – who happens to be a very talented local singer-songwriter – figures that the best thing to do is to simply treat the American Idol auditions as just another tryout. She told me, look, even if Simon, the most critical of the American Idol judges, is his typical cruel self and you get voted off of American Idol, it will not by any means be the end of her career. And if, on the other hand, she makes it through the audition and gets on to the American Idol TV show, it could be quite a big break for her career. Anyway you look at it, there is no way to know until you give it a try, give it your best shot.

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